Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Merits of a real bathroom

Too much fun in the real world means no motivation to write about it in the cyber world.

So once again I've waited way too long and done too much in a short period of time to remember everything, but I'll try!

We're down to a little less than 4 weeks here in Jerusalem..well, I guess closer to 3 weeks now it's Tuesday but the city is actually starting to feel like home. It was refreshing to come back here from the Dead Sea and recognize places, even people- to know where I was going and how to get around and have people recognize me too! You never realize how comforting that is about the city you're living in until you're constantly walking around like a confused tourist and everyone around you knows it.

I'll be sad to leave here, even with the frustrating aspects like ultra-orthodix men who hiss at me for wearing shorts or not being able to get a coke and snickers on Saturdays.

So, what else have I been up to exactly? well, I thoroughly mortified one of the poor staff in our hostel, that's for sure. There's no air conditioning in our rooms and we were at the peak of the day, around 97, and even with the window open and the fan on to generate a breeze it was still hellishly uncomfortable in our room. Being that it's just Andie and I, it seemed completely within my rights to just wear a sports bra and some shorts so I wasn't dying of heat without even moving..
For those that aren't familiar with the ins and outs of bra wearing, good sports bras are extremely comfortable and sometimes you forget that's all you're wearing, because you feel covered. My mistake- when 1 of our buildings maintenance men came in on a mistaken call about a ceiling fan (it was the next room over) opening the door and sitting back on the bed didn't seem like such an issue, and I kept wondering why he was fumbling around and turning slightly red... until about 5 minutes after he left the room in a rush.
He still won't look me in the eye.

I guess that doesn't help the impression around this city that American girls are easy.

On a different note, Andie and I took the tram up to Mount Herzl National Cemetery with our fellow hostel resident Heidi and spent some time wandering around, snapping pictures- we ran into a high school tour group too...

Oh my god I love Lady Gaga! SHE'S MY IDOL
 2 of the students were way more interested in talking to us than they were in a tour of famous dead Israelis, and really wanted to know our opinions on Lady Gaga and Pretty Little Liars season 1.
That's America for you- Military aide, crazy pop stars and trashy teenage soap operas.


The Dead Sea is AWESOME! Even if they trick you by filling the beach with red sand so you cant dig out free mud.
But the bagged mud was super cheap! So i bought 2 bags. maybe I'll coat myself in it and run around fayetteville like the creature from the black lagoon when I get back....

but no really, that was maybe one of the most relaxing weekends ever, and I cannot thank Andie's mom Kristie enough for being kind enough to put us up in such a wonderful hotel. Seriously thank you thank you!!

I have no pictures...because I forgot to bring my camera with me to the cafe I'm at so I have no proof to show you I was there or how awesome it was... BUT I WAS THERE I PROMISE. and I'll just edit this with pictures later so stay tuned. 


from our window. i mean seriously how awesome is this?

best pool ever. also taken from our window..see the beach there? PRIVATE FOR US

You never realize how awesome beds are until you go from a crappy one to this one..
ALSO: I know I didn't take a picture of the bathroom but trust me and the above picture, it was super sweet. I cried a little inside when we got back to jerusalem and our tiny divided wc :(

We also went to Masada, this large mountain top fortress...palace.. both.. built by Herod and then used as a last point of defense during the Jewish rebellion against the romans.
There's a miniseries about it.

Again..pictures later. promises.

cable cars..up to the top.. dear god.

Look of amused TERROR

Andie went downstairs to the scary dark room!

i didn't.

it was hot. the bus took a while so we took a cheaper cab. everyone wins.

Today I finally got all of my surveys printed and I am READY TO GO. technical difficulties have all been sorted finally though.

well...now there's a small toddler accosting me and his parents are glaring at me rather than their MONSTER CHILD THAT IS DROOLING FROM BOTH MOUTH AND NOSE... so I feel it is time to end this post and GTFO.

maybe I'll get some Gelato...


PS.. I realize that the title of this post makes no sense whatsoever, but when I post pictures of our awesome Dead Sea Hotel you will comprehend.

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