Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Setting out...

Welp..it's about that time! Tomorrow morning I'll be making the big flight overseas to start my summer in Jerusalem! Though I'm pretty positive it's not really going to sink in where I'm going until I'm on the plane.
I'll be gone 2 months, until August 7..most of the time we'll be in Jerusalem, but our first stop is Tel Aviv, and we'll be swinging through Petra, Amman, and hopefully Beirut and Zahle along the way!
The last week has consisted of packing, unpacking, packing, unpacking, feeling like a total impractical, hysterical woman for all the things I wanted to bring, tossing half of it and repacking...and yet I still end up with 30 pounds of duffle that I'm sure I'm going to enjoy lugging around for the next 2 months. but what can you do eh?
Hopefully this whole blog thing will plan out the way I hope and I'll be able to update it every few days or so with pictures and stories for anyone interested...

SO! Next entry? Arriving in Tel Aviv (at least..maybe more or less depending on how lazy I'm feeling)


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